A Study in Power

Power is the ability to make things happen. We might own the most fantastic kitchen or laundry appliances but without power they do nothing. We might have the coolest car, the fanciest boat or the biggest airplane but without power they go nowhere. As a kid I was...

Talk to Me

When my kids were young they didn’t have a good understanding of what their dad did at work all day.  So I tried to break it down for them.  I’d tell them that “I read a bit; I write a bit; I talk on the phone.  That’s about it.” I’m sure that didn’t sound like a...

Deal Makers vs. Deal Breakers

In mid-September we returned to the United States from West Africa where I served for 18 months as Associate Area Legal Counsel for a large non-profit multinational entity. We’ve been driving the West Coast, hugging grandchildren along the way. Soon we will return to...


For the past 18 months I have served as an Associate Area Legal Counsel with a large non-profit organization that conducts significant operations in West Africa. During that time I have overseen all real estate acquisitions and nearly all real estate litigation by...

Soft Considerations

Before I became a mediator I participated in many mediations where I served as legal counsel for one of the parties. Most of the time we talked only about money. It seemed like the plaintiff always wanted too much and the defendant always wanted to offer too little....

Never Give In

The fastest way to end a mediation without settlement is for someone to leave. The second fastest way is for the mediator to give up. The third is for one (or both) of the parties to give up. “[N]ever give in, never give in, never, never, never, never—in nothing,...