A Lifetime of Motorcycles

My older brother loved motorcycles. When I was seven years old he turned 16 and bought his first motorcycle – a Honda 305cc. It seemed like an enormous machine (even though it wasn’t). He liked to tinker with it. I remember him removing the caps on the front forks. He...

A Study in Power

Power is the ability to make things happen. We might own the most fantastic kitchen or laundry appliances but without power they do nothing. We might have the coolest car, the fanciest boat or the biggest airplane but without power they go nowhere. As a kid I was...

Talk to Me

When my kids were young they didn’t have a good understanding of what their dad did at work all day.  So I tried to break it down for them.  I’d tell them that “I read a bit; I write a bit; I talk on the phone.  That’s about it.” I’m sure that didn’t sound like a...