The Matter at Hand

Not long ago my wife and I went to a movie at our local theater. Halfway through the movie I stepped out to the popcorn counter. I asked for a bottle of water. The clerk retrieved one, handed it to me and said simply “Five dollars.” I paid her, took the bottle and...

Get It In Writing

I recently served as a neutral in a matter which had been actively litigated for several years. We worked all day and into the evening discussing past wrongs and how they might be made right. Hard feelings on both sides meant emotions ran high. Trial was scheduled...

The Dog Won’t Jump

I have a friend who is a man of principle.  He doesn’t play games.  He’s the ultimate straight shooter. Not long ago he and his wife decided to buy a new car.  For several years they had owned a car made by a major automaker.  Because they had had such a...

Where Are You?

I’ve conducted a lot of negotiations. I was a litigator for more than 30 years. I’ve negotiated a lot of business transactions. Since 2016 I’ve worked as a neutral. I’ve mediated many cases – first as a lawyer and then as a mediator. During this time I’ve...

What’s It All About?

After becoming a mediator in 2015, I attended the annual meeting of the ADR section of one of the local county Bar Associations. The keynote speaker said something that instantly got my attention. During the course of their remarks the speaker asserted that there are...